Monday, April 7, 2008

"Paper or Plastic?" by Sean Quigley

How about neither? Plastic bags are worthless. They are given away by the trillions for free by Wal-Mart and other grocery stores. We use plastic bags so much that we’ve lost track of how many are even in existence. The Wall Street Journal estimates that 100 billion bags are used each year in the US alone, while the Environmental Protection Agency puts that number at 380 billion. It’s almost impossible to obtain accurate figures for annual worldwide bag consumption, but even conservative estimates come in at around 1,000,000,000,000, meaning that we humans consume almost 2 million plastic bags per hour.

Still, in this age of excess, producing a whole lot of a good thing shouldn’t be so bad, right? Plastic bags are useful and unobtrusive. They’re great for carrying stuff from place to place, or for lining the inside of a garbage can. Best of all, these humble little helpers are free! But though it may seem harmless, the mass production of plastic bags is an expensive and ultimately non-sustainable habit. Recall that non-sustainable means that we can’t do it forever, so we need to change now so that our children and grandchildren don’t inherit a messy burden we hand to them.

Plastic bags, like all plastic products (including bottled water. Remember?), are made from petroleum. It takes petroleum to mold the petroleum itself into that thin little sheet we all use to carry our milk and deodorant, sometimes even a single pack of gum! All told, it takes .48 Megajoules to produce one plastic bag. To put that into perspective, it takes most cars 6.73MJ to drive 1 mile. So, the energy used to create just 14 plastic bags could fuel a car for 1 mile. The energy used to produce the world’s 1 trillion plastic bags each year, then, could be used to drive a car 70,000,000,000 miles—or 2.8 million times around the Earth. And that’s just each year! Once again, like plastic water bottles, is this really a good use of petro-dollars? Of course not!

While the obvious solution to this ridiculous and unnecessary waste of oil and resources might at first seem to be simply use paper bags instead of plastic, brown-bagging, sadly, is not the answer. According to the EPA, the production of paper bags creates 70% more greenhouse gasses and 500% more water pollution than that of plastic bags. In 1999, Americans used 10 billion paper shopping bags, consuming 14 million trees. While paper bags seem to be a greener alternative to the already documented waste of plastics, they are, regrettably, more harmful to the environment.

So, what to do? The first step is clear: never walk out of a store with a plastic bag you didn’t walk in with. With minimal planning and thought, you can reduce your plastic bag consumption to zero. We all could! Be sure to tell the clerk “no bag, thanks, I’ve got my own.” Be sure to do so before he or she places your stuff in the bag! Nothing is more frustrating than when the clerk takes your stuff out of the bag, and then throws the perfectly good bag away! : \ So, use old bags, use your pockets, use your hands….use your head.

The best long-term option is reusable bags. Reusable canvas and cotton bags are a great alternative, and their cost (anywhere from $4-$25) is more than offset by knowing you’re doing the right and sensible thing. Think of the plastic bags you’ll save if you switch to reusable!

Some countries have imposed a modest plastic bag tax, and even just a nickel-per-bag charge reduces plastic waste substantially. So, stand and be heard: Demand this action from your own elected officials. Some places in the U.S. are even trying to ban plastic bags entirely, but it can be difficult owing to, wouldn’t you believe it, the plastic bag lobby!

Either way, our petroleum problems would not be solved even if every American instantly switched to reusable bags, or even to no bags at all. The real way to eliminate this issue is to BUY LESS STUFF. Less consumption means fewer plastic/paper bags to be thrown away or recycled.

So, next time you walk into a store, remind yourself that you won’t walk out with a wasteful piece of petroleum-based, non-biodegradable trash. Future generations will thank you!

Much of the information used to write this article comes from, where you can purchase your own reusable bag. Keep an eye out at your local grocer as well.


E.S.P. said...

I used to get so frustrated because I would carry around canvas bags in my car all the time, but forget to take them in to the store. I would get to the check-out and remember that I meant to bring my bags with me. I pushed through this early stage of trying to "go green to the grocery store," and after running to the car a few times, I finally got it down. I never forget my bags anymore, and I always keep one or two in the car, just incase. Canvas bags are easier to carry by putting them over your shoulder, and you make fewer trips to bring in groceries!

Unknown said...

There is another GREAT solution for those who forgets their canvas bag in the car or at home...

It is called "BIOPLAST Biodegradable Plastics."

BIOPLAST is a manufacturing company of BIOPLAST Branded Biodegradable Garbage Bags for the household markets and for the industry as well as Biodegradable Carrier Bags for the retail sector using their own patented unique formula of bacteria enzyme base substrate as against starch base as used by other manufacturers world over which has a cost addition of 300%-400%.

This is the only biotechnology in the world using bacteria enzyme base substrate which is completely biodegradable within 6 months as per ASTM and EN/ISO standards with the lowest cost addition.

BIOPLAST biodegradable products are also compostable and non-toxic, hence enhancing the nutritive value of the remaining soil.