Results from the voting poll at the end of last year indicated that Rabun Gap students are ready to compost!! Using the funds raised from last Spring's Penny Wars, Mr. Malot purchased two styles of composting bins for Dining Hall food scraps. The plan for the finished product of this endeavor, a nutrient-rich soil, can be used by groundskeepers in flower beds and around shrubs, as well as a good starter for a community garden.

Also from the funds will emerge a large, three-drawer system to house vermicompost - a project Environmental Science teacher, Mr. Phillips, will begin this year with students. A vermicompost uses red earth worms to digest food scraps and other organic materials to produce an extremely nutrient -rich material.
The E.S.P. Recycling Team is in full swing! Students are collecting and filling up buses and trucks to take recycled materials from all over campus to the proper receptacle: our very own community recycling center. It should be habitual on this campus by now to never allow an aluminum can to plunge into a garbage bin! Never would someone here let an empty plastic water bottle or a crumpled piece of paper submerge to the depths of a dooming brown can marked "Trash!" These things have many uses ahead of them...don't forget to do your part and get them to the Recycling bins!
More to come in future posts. For now, check out this video reminding us of the irresponsibility associated with letting grocery stores load us up on plastic bags!!